
These are some organizations that identified a problem and are taking action. 


Center for Community Change-It is an organization to help rebuild low income communities

Dollars & Sense- Offers alternative perspectives on the economy and economic affairs.


Children's Defense Fund- This organization was founded to provide extra support to poor, minority, and disabled children.

Coalition of Essential schools-A school designed to create small learning communities in order to personalize instruction.

The National Center for Fair & Open Testing- This organization seeks to expose and eliminate test bias due to class, race, and gender.


Corp Watch-This organization protests against corporate-led organizations.

Digital Freedom Network-Support freedom of speech of individual liberties in favor of state control.


Environmental Working Group- This organization is committed to improve pollution.

Global Exchange- The goal of the organization is to promote justice in the areas of society, politics, and the environment.

World Resources Institute- The main goal is to protect the Earth's living systems, global warming, research and policy analysis.

Current Issues:

In These Times- Archives from a magazine, "In These Times," current issues and news.

Applied Research Center - Focuses on race, media, activism, and culture issues.

Hinchey, PatriciaH. Becoming a Critical Pedagogy Defining a Classroom Identity, Designing A Critical Pedagogy. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, 2004. Print.

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