While searching for the answer on this question, I found a video about two teachers implementing critical pedagogy in their English/poetry classroom setting. Critical pedagogy can be identified by the following:
The teacher can either pose a question or an idea as students interact in conversation about the particular subject selected. A teacher can also pose a problem that exists in their community. The students learn about the idea as they interact in discourse with the teacher, members of community, and between students.
Guided by the Teacher
The teacher guides the students to the objective, that is what they are going to learn through the use of past events in history or current events that are occurring. The activities selected by the teacher promote communication and allows the student to view other perspectives and incorporate real-word experiences. However, the idea or concept they learn is relevant in some way to the students. A possible event in history that impacted their community connected to a world event, similar to the video can be used in the lesson.
Students' Create/Explore/Develop
The teacher allows the students to expand on the idea or point of view the teacher wants them to understand and reflect. This is similar to the exploration and evaluation of the 5 E model. However, students do not use materials given by the teacher. The students input is based on what they think and particularly seeking the right or wrong answer is not the objective of the lesson. Students should feel empowered in learning. The outcome of the lesson depends on the students interest and effort
Here are four dimensions of critical pedagogy (Lewison,Flint, and Sluys, 2002) that can be applied in the classroom.
Disrupting the commonplace
Interrogating multiple viewpoints
Focusing on social political issues
Taking action and promoting social justice
A Great Example of incorporating Critical Pedagogy
Click on the link The Daring Lesson to watch the documentary videos of the actual lesson. Mrs. Elliott, also does a similar lesson to a group of employees. I however, feel the video with the students created a impact in the students. Teacher lesson plans are also found on the link below.
either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of
the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about
conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and
women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to
participate in the transformation of their world.”
Lewison, M., Flint, A. S., & Van Sluys, K. (2002). Taking on critical literacy: The journey of newcomers and novices. Language Arts, 79(5), 382-392.